Christian Kingdom College
Spring 2019 Classes
THE SEED OF THE WOMAN: Through The Bible in Ten Weeks
Professor Charles W. Doughty
Fridays, 7:00-8:30PM on March 8 through May 10
This study will help the student’s life time desire of having a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. The student will consider the theme of "The Seed of the woman bruising Satan's Head” from Genesis 3:15-16 to Revelation 12:1-17. The seed of the woman is a subject so significant and revealing that it lies at the very root and basis of a victorious overcoming life.
Professor Doughty will use a wall chart to follow the overall significance and development of what and WHO The Seed is. Attention will be given to the Person of The Devil and his attempts in the past to destroy The Seed and his ongoing strategy to continue to do so. The old cliché, “In order to defeat the aggressor, we must know how he operates" will be instilled in the conscientious student’s mind.
Professor Doughty has developed the ten sessions from his sermon, "Through The Bible In One Sermon". The student will be given printed outlines of the Biblical topics and events that move through Scripture from the beginning to the end.
Restoration Movement
Professor Richard Rexrode
Tuesdays 6:30-8:30PM on March 5 through May 7
The Restoration Movement seeks to win the world for Jesus Christ by restoring biblical unity and biblical authority. Jesus prayed in John 17:20-23 that the world will know that the Father sent Him and loves them through the Gospel of Jesus Christ (“I [Jesus] in them and You [the Father] in Me”) and the unity of His followers. The Restoration Movement combines these two concerns, unity and biblical authority, in a powerful movement to make disciples according to the original standard of the New Testament. This course, Restoration History, seeks to explore: the people, context, principles and struggles of the movement’s birth, development and present expression. Students will be challenged to continue to restore the unity and biblical standard of the original Church of Jesus Christ so that the world may be saved.